I am taking this class because I need it to graduate, but also because in this ever-changing world the ability to use new technology to connect with people is important to success in our world. I hope to gain some new computer skills as well as become more competent on Mac computers as I have very little previous experience with using Macs. I am also afraid that Macs will make the class a lot more difficult for me because my computer experience is all on the PC. I am really looking forward to the gaming section as well as the mapping section because they sound fascinating to my personal interests. I am apprehensive about the group projects because they have never been my forte. I am unsure how to reconcile that fear with my desire to . succeed in this heavily group-work based class. Digital humanities will greatly contribute to my computer skills, and those sills could benefit my future career path or artistic talents. I already know how to do a lot of basic functions on PCs, but it will be interesting to be able to add technical skills to my repertoire.
Zeke Johnson