If I could create any game in the world, I would create the “How to Get Away with Murder” board game. This board game would be based almost identically on the TV show.
This board game would be unlike many others in the sense that it would have virtual reality “stopping points” where the player would have to successfully finish a challenge within virtual reality before continuing with the board game.
The virtual reality aspect of the game is when the player is being interviewed by law enforcement regarding a crime, and when a player is trying to “cover-up” their crime. The board game would also be story-based, meaning that as players move along they have the ability to make certain choices that could change the outcome of the game.
In order to “win” or complete the game, a player would have to make it through without persecution for all of the events through season three of the show. This means that they will have to outsmart the players who are the detectives, and successfully cover-up the crimes they committed.
This game would be made for large crowd numbers to play. Players could choose to be one of Annalise Keating’s law students, Annalise, or her two business partners Bonnie and Frank. Players could also choose to be a detective, the ADA, other lawyers or even Nate.
Because the game is multimodal, you would need to enter in to the game system which player you’ve chose, and as you play along you need to digitally enter components of the game in. In certain parts of the game, you would have holograms pop-up and explain the plot of the story and the holograms would show video footage of what is going on throughout the game (the video would be from the TV show).
I would hire actual gamers to help my vision come to life because I did not realize how difficult it could be to explain a vision without knowing any of the technical jargon surrounding game making.