The game would run on UnReal Engine. It would be an open world single player RPG and you would be one of the students enrolling into McGrawville College. The game will have a story to it, but because I despise linear play, it is optional and can be picked up at any point during the game (whether it requires you to talk to certain NPCs standing by to start the story mode quests. This game will require a lot of grinding, as in constant hours to increase your level in order to receive certain items of rarity that can aid your progression as a college student ( a rare golden pencil that you found will increase your quest rewards and exp gain). Whatever major or specialty (class/specialist) that you choose will grant you inherited abilities that can be upgraded as you level up during the game. An English major for example will allow you to except more quests at a time where a science major can have a larger crafting skill. Then there are multiple minors (sub-classes) that a player can acquire and upgrade in a skill tree format. These will also grant certain specific abilities for your character. There is no “completion” of the game because after your bachelors you can go for master, doctorate, and then proceed to acquire bachelors in completely other stuff (in a sense there could be a completion but it would take a shit ton of time).